Expert Ezy Roller Driver

I really enjoyed playing on the ezy roller.  You use your feet to move it along. I really loved it.

5 thoughts on “Expert Ezy Roller Driver

  1. Hi Liz, Wow it looks like your having lots of fun on the ezy roller. I love how you do it with no hands you look really happy on ezy roller have a good day liz,bye.

  2. Hi Liz, that looks like fun What’s your favourite colour ezy roller looks like ur on the green is that your favourite one good job you can do it with no hands looks really fun bye Liz – Alia🌺

  3. Hi Liz ,my name is Oriana
    I really like the way you talked about how to use a ezy roller.
    It is really fun and fantastic.
    It is really cool and probably you can add some more details.

  4. To Liz

    It looks like you are having fun on the eyz roller. I wish I could go on one with you. From Sophie

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